My Family

My Family

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Light and Shadow

Today at work I was watching the sunshine and noticed how shadows were moving. When all of a sudden I had a BFO ( blinding flash of the obvious). I realized that as Christians we are used to light. we have the Son, and darkness is the absence of light.
A shadow is formed when something passes in front of a light source. If you follow the shadow it will lead in time to darkness. But if you look beyond the shadow you will find the light.
Satan walks around the earth, roaming to and fro looking for whom he can devour, occasionally he passes between you and God and causes a shadow in your life. Be encouraged when you see a shadow because the shadow means there is a light.
Our light is Christ.

Jesus said to the people, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." John 8:12


David/Sue said...

I love it, now tell me you cant write. That was a very insightful look at life.
God is in Control,
The Lord is my light and my salvation,
Whom shall I fear?
He is the strength of my life
Of whom shall I be afraid?

It's not over
'Til God says it's over...
It's not over
I put my trust in Him
My confidence in Him,

David/Sue said...

Come on Son give us more inspirational thoughts, We enjoyed that so much. one little word can make a day, You gave us something to think on.
Shouldn't a blog do that? I hope mine always gives each of you something to think on, Even in Years ahead.